1.- This website does not collect any extra information, as we don't need it for anything, and no offence, we don't care about your personal life.
These are the cookies we use:
Cookies 'yestoall, publi, preferen, analytics': These cookies are used so that this website remembers your cookie preferences and, above all, so that we do not bother you again with the "cookie warning" that we are obliged to place by the GDPR law.
Cookie propia 'XSRF-TOKEN': It is used to control that the data sent with the form are sent by the correct person, the cookie is encrypted. It is used to avoid CSRF attacks. It expires when the session ends.
Cookie de Analytics '_ga': It is used to be able to know how many visits we have. It expires after two years.
Cookie de Analytics '_gat': It is used to be able to know how many visits we have. It expires after two years.
Cookie de Analytics '_gid': It is used to control the rate of requests and in case of too many requests, limit the traffic. It expires after one minute.
Cookie de Analytics '__utma': Counts unique users, records the first and last entry on the website. Expires after two years.
Cookie de Analytics '__utmb': Records when the visitor arrived on the website, to calculate how long the visitor stays on the website. It expires after 30 minutes.
Cookie de Analytics '__utmc': Formerly it was used to know if the user had exceeded the 30 minutes, to decide whether to continue the session or not. Currently used for compatibility with old websites. It expires when the browser is closed.
Cookie de Analytics '__utmt': Used to understand the type of user request, expires when the session ends.
Cookie de Analytics '__utmv': It is used for statistics, so we can know from which countries the visitors are from, gender or age. It expires when the session ends.
Cookie de Analytics '__utmz': It is used to know how the user arrived at this website. It is useful in case of an advertising campaign to attract visitors, to know if it works or not. It expires after six months.
Current values:
If you wish to reset your cookie settings on this website, click here.:
2.- The server where the website is hosted stores data such as the IP, the connection time and perhaps something else such as the type of browser, because the law obliges them to do so.
3.- The ads we insert in this website are from Google AdSense and the statistics from Google Analytics, both use cookies and record data of different types anonymously, so we hang this usual blablabla, in case anyone is interested: